Friday, July 9, 2010

dreams and nightmares


Alot has happened. I was fired from my job of almost 5 Years....

It was painful. They smiles as they told me my employment was being terminated. I am recovering, starving for money, and bitter from all the additional hours I put in, and all the weekends, friendships and relationships I've sacrificed for that business.

The Canadian Military is my next challenge. I'm going to change my life. Before I'm 30 years old I will be 1) Healthy, in-shape 2) in the military, at the beginning of my career.

What brought on the dreams/nightmares title of this entry, refers to a dream I had a few nights ago. Dreams seem to real, and even when you wake up, the feelings you experiences linger for days, or weeks depending on their intensity. The feelings are still here, more than a week later, and they've driven me to make a major life change.


I bumped into my ex girlfriend Lisa, somewhere in Ottawa. And she looked absolutely stunning. She had clearly lost weight, had a good natural tan, and was full of life. The way I remember her when I met her. And I... Well I looked like I do now. I felt foolish, and stupid.

When I woke up, I immediately creeped her on facebook. From the limited access, I could see her profile picture, showing a toned, muscle ripped midriff, and a healthy tan. I was pissed off.
I'm not angry with her, I am so completely happy for her - excited and pleased that she is looking great, and seems to be enjoying her life, much more-so that I'm not involved.
I was upset with myself. From the age of 8-20, I was always overly physically active. Spent most friday afternoons playing basketball with the teachers at my schools, friday nights at the gym playing basketball, swimming or working out. Saturdays playing basketball outdoors, or at the Nepean Sportsplex, Sundays's playing basketball at Jockvale Elementary. And Mondays, playing at Cedarview church.

I have spent the last 10 years, working behind desks, pushing buttons (and paper) - and it has taken those 10 years to destroy my previously decent physique and endurance.

I have to kick it up a few notches. I take that back, I need to change my entire life to get back on track. Feeling good, and looking good are usually linked together. I haven't felt good about my body since I left High School!

So, On Tuesday, I started a workout plan to feel good, and look good. Here are the deets:

I complete to do two physical activities a day, one cardio and one strength.

Cardio is Either running (minimum 2k), or rollerblading (minimum 5k). Once I receive my gym membership, I will also substitute swimming for 30 minutes (laps) and biking (30 minutes)

Strenth include 50 situps or 50 pushups a day, and once the gym membership is finalized, a standard 30 minute strenth training session (lower, core or upper).

NO JUNK FOOD (which includes: wedges plus, macdonalds, candy, sugary cereal, pastries chips, popcorn, soft drinks and specially snack foods like chocolate bars, marshmallows and ice cream!) Beer only once a week.

I started by drafting this plan, then throwing out ALL the junk food in my house. Buying salad's and fresh fruit weekly, and eating nuts and dried fruit as snacks. WHAT A CHANGE!

Unfortunately, there is a side effect of my increased physical activity. My achilles heel on my right foot is giving me alot of pain. The research I've done on the internet suggests that it is a) not serious and b) it is caused by the sudden increase in physical activity. I need to stretch more, elevate it and put Ice on it in the future. I will abstain from running, instead turning to rollerblading and other low-impact exercises for my cardio.

For now, time to sleep, GO SPAIN (world cup 2010)

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