Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Excercise and responsibility

My procrastinating ways are far from over.

I'm still battling my own lethargy, flavoured with my own unique self-pity and heightened wallowing ability. I have broke down on my workout plan. All is not lost, only 4 days off so far, and if I can get my shit together, tomorrow will be a good day.

Money problems have mounted though, down to $114 in my account, and only 15 days to come up with $890 for rent, not to mention bills!

Here is my to do list for the next 48 hours.

1) Visit H&R Block, those bastards still have my taxes fucked up, and I'm pissed. I'm demanding a refund at the point.

2) Sort all my dirty clothes, hang up the clean ones in Michelle's Bedroom

3) CLEAN HER ROOM (in general)

4) Clean the back deck

5) Clean the main room

6) Cleanup Upstairs room

7) Go for a run (x2)

8) Weight Train (x2)

9) Put ad for room rental, $550 all included (furnished room with A/C, in the market) 5 months only.

10) Put an ad up for computer repair (free advice by e-mail, cheap repair rates)
Experienced technician, (10 years professionally).

11) Finished fixing Lidia's computer
12) Finish setting up Angela's media centre PC

13) Goto the recruiting office and ask about debt, and how it related to the Canadian Military, available positions, training

14) Goto Government University, Colleges and Training Offices to ask about going back to school

I've been keeping up with my no-beer rule (only allowed once a week) - and I've continued to avoid junk food at all costs. Though not working out for 4 days makes me feel shitty. I need to re-double my efforts to drink the required amount of water per day.

Hopefully, with a decent dinner and good sleep tonight, I will attack mt duties tomorrow with renewed vengeance.
That's it for now!

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