Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Failing Hurts...alot

Weeks after my discovery (well, I shouldn't be surprised) that my Ex is moving on and doing very well, I still haven't changed.

My life is still fraught with disaster, stress and impending doom. I just can't seem to get motivated and dig myself out. Let me list some of the things that have gone terribly wrong:

1) Rent was due, and I haven't paid yet.
2) I haven't been working out - but lie about it to anyone who asks
3) I still haven't found a job, or found out exactly what education I need to get into the program I require
4) I've never been so depressed...
5) The women in my life are beginning to resent me for the depression
6) I Can't connect with anyone romantically, because I am so completely lost
7) I STILL can't seem to clean my room
8) Michelle decided she's not coming back next year, which screws me (so I'm moving out)
9) Bills are due (Cell and Rogers Cable) over $1000 that I don't have
10) My parents hate me, I don't call them back, or answer their calls...

What am I doing about it?

Today I sat on the Ottawa River and:

1) Applied to a few jobs
2) Finished my resume and cover letter
3) finished my preparation chapter for the book I'm reading (about body language)
4) Talked to my landlord about rent and getting money from my LIF (Life Income Fund) to pay in advance

Tomorrow, I goto Brockville with Angela, hopefully, spending time with her will take my mind off of all this craziness.

Today, I will finish tidying up
A)Michelle's room (after seeing Angela)
B) Find out about taking online courses for Math (for entrance to College)
C) Apply for a few more jobs (government etc)
D) Send my application for EQUIFAX out (for my free credit report)
E) Establish a plan to call the creditors and figure out how I can pay them (slowly)

Hopefully, my next post will have more progress.

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